Saturday, September 27, 2014

Will I continue to love?

Heartbreak is killing me.

As I see you have a new love is breaking me and it is getting worse. The fact that you are together is already a spear through my heart and seeng you two together is not healthy for me. I am happy you are in glee and in love. But that left me so down and depressed. 

Again, I know that it is all my fault being so slow and shy for what I feel. The love inspired me to do things I have never done before. Like to be back writing and improving myself is what I am doing one step at a time. To be worthy of your pressence and attention. To write poems and adventures with you. But I am still in heartbreak, and I don't have to pretend. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Bitter Truth

I just recently discovered something about Ms. Fireworks, she is seeing someone today (insert sad song here).

This was my worst fear, I guess I am not good enough. Is the cosmos trying to play with my emotions again? I rarely love someone, but I wanted to open up when I am ready. I am too slow, too cryptic, too passive and too  secretive. Knowing that she is happy with another does break my heart. A feeling I never had in a while. I am devastated. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

It All Starts With LOVE

I have been blogging for more than a decade with articles about life, struggles, wishes, hopes and disappointments that have define the current me. But I have not actually made a post of what I feel inside, the real loving Florencio which I was named. Manual To Lyf was a blog all about the generalities of life and what one should never miss out. However, I come to realize that I was never in a relationship with someone at all in my 27 years of existence. 

Yes, I can be branded as single since birth, but I do acknowledge that I fell in love many times but seems to have a hindrance in many forms and situations. I felt that the reason why I am not in a relationship because I was destined to. It felt like a punishment for me for not achieving my goals which I have worked for but also got into a lot of mess. I just looked beyond from afar on the girls which would have been the one that gives me more reasons to smile and love.