table for one? |
It's another year and I will be celebrating the annual single awareness day 2015 together with all of the single men and women on the world. But what would or should I do on this "holiday"? There are a lot of things, but definitely something to get over the fact that a soul longs to be with someone even for a moment.
I am happy for people who are in love, and they should be, they deserve it. But we have to take into consideration the people who are also trapped in love who are actually suffering more than they are feeling love. They need help and compassion more than shallow concerns.
And for those who are very happy in love, make sure you will still find ways to love your partner, love them beyond the flaws they have. If they are deep flaws, reflect and know what you need to do as love may not be the solution to all life can give us. And how about us single people? Many would be emotional and think it would be a curse, karma, or a condition that needs to be remedied by quick love.
Being single is not something to be ashamed of.